Welcome to UK Basketball Courts

So welcome to the site. The aim of this website is to promote basketball and streetball in the UK through the use of our court finder and search facillities which allow people to easily locate a court near them. Currently we have around 500 courts listed in the UK ranging from the big cities down to little villages. Whether your from London, Birmingham, Manchester or even right down in Cornwall or far up north in the highlands, we have a basketball court in your area.

Site Redesign Notice

We are currently redesigning the website and the entire theme will change. Page links are likely to become out of use within the next few days and the layout will also change. An achieved copy of the website will be kept. If you require any material from the original website please contact general@ukbasketballcourts.com



Are you A British Baller? We Want You!

Are you a basketballer in the United Kingdom, if so we want to hear about you and your experiences in basketball in this country. If you email me at ukbasketballcourts@live.co.uk you could have the chance to have your basketball profile and storey featured on the websites news page! We think that it is important for basketballers from across the country to discover more about other enthusiastic players in the country and connect more with the UK's basketball community. It doesn't matter what your skill, its all about your storey, whether you've been a great success in ball or had many ups/downs or even that you have struggled about even finding somewhere to play. To find out more about being featured on the website click here.Be featured on the Website!!!



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